
DevGod needs to write a blog entry for this problem!
 * @param {number[]} coins
 * @param {number} k
 * @return {number}

//nth position of a set, that contains numbers divisable by any coin from coins array

var findKthSmallest = function (coins, k) {
    function lcm(x, y) {
        return (x * y) / gcd(x, y);

    function gcd(x, y) {
        while (y !== 0) {
            let temp = y;
            y = x % y;
            x = temp;
        return x;

    function countSet(x){
        let sum = 0;
        let sign = 1;
        for(let coin of coins){
            sum += sign*Math.floor(x/coin);

        return sum;

    console.log( countSet(k) );
