DevGod needs to write a blog entry for this problem!
* @param {character[][]} board
* @param {string} word
* @return {boolean}
var exist = function(board, word) {
let look = [];
for(let a in board[0]){
for(let b in board){
if(board[b][a] === word[0]){
look.push([ parseInt(a), parseInt(b) ]);
function search(localBoard,X,Y,str=""){
if(str === word){return true;}
if(X < 0 || X >= board[0].length){return false;}
if(Y < 0 || Y >= board.length){return false;}
if(localBoard[Y][X] !== word[str.length]){
return false;
const letter = localBoard[Y][X];
localBoard[Y][X] = "$";
const ans = search(localBoard,X-1, Y, str+letter) ||
search(localBoard,X+1, Y, str+letter) ||
search(localBoard,X, Y-1, str+letter) ||
search(localBoard,X, Y+1, str+letter);
localBoard[Y][X] = letter;
return ans;
for(let el of look){
if( search(board, el[0],el[1]) ){
return true;
return false;